Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Weekend Recap

Well....Lori opened her eyes and continued to get better.  She either came home today or is coming home tomorrow.  Thursday night Bryce had a baseball game and they played the Rangers.  They won 10-0 and played awesome!  I went to eat lunch with Bryce on Friday....of course he had his usual Taco Bell burrito with beans, cheese, and sour cream only, nachos with beans, cheese, and sour cream only and a soft taco with only meat and cheese.  I cannot believe that he only has a few more weeks of elementary and I won't be able to eat lunch with him anymore.  I'm so sad!  After lunch, I went to the hospital to visit with Lori for a while and then picked Brennan up for his physical at his new doctor's office.  Dr. Riddel is really nice.  I really liked her a lot!  By the end of the appointment...I was exhausted.  We came home and vegged and I went to bed early.  Jeremy was at the fire station.  Saturday was the day to get Mackenzie ready for her 8th grade dance.  Before I had to take Mackenzie at 12:45, the boys and I went to the Charleston Tea Room to eat an early lunch.  I had a few jackets to pick up at the Style Junkie so they opted to ride with me and eat at the tea room.  They are such gentlemen!  We rushed home and Mackenzie and I left for the hair salon.  While she was waiting to start her hair, I ran to Flowers & Company to pick up her flowers that were absolutely georgeous with pink roses and zebra, black & pink ribbon.  Jeremy came back from Galveston to pick me and the kids up around 2 ish.  It was some type of JEEP day and Jeremy met up with Mitch, Cory and friends along with Jodi and Richie ealry in the morning and then drove back to get us to drive all the way back.  We had to get on the Ferry to go to Crystal Beach.  We hung out for a while and then all went to Tortuga's on the Seawall.  What a weekend.  Jeremy worked today and the boys and I went to church.  After church we ran by Subway and then home for a restful afternoon.  I went to bible study at the Kim's tonight to finish up our series on A Praying Life by Paul Miller.  I'm still trying to learn to journal properly and hopefully I will get this down.

In bible study tonight I was reminded of something that happened last week after I tucked Bryce in bed.  Jeremy was working, Brennan was in his room and Bryce had been tucked in.  It was really quiet and dark in the house when I began to pray out loud.  I was really praying when I heard a small voice, "mooooom, moooom" was Bryce and he was tiptoeing nearer to me when he said, "mom, who are you talking to?"  I thought that was so sweet.  I had to tell him I was praying and talking to God.  He said, "okay, you scarred me.  I didn't know who you were talking to".  Ha!  Sweet baby boy! 

This week also marked another memorable event when I found several video's on Brennan's phone that he shouldn't have downloaded.  Someone shared an app with him for movie's.  We are still pretty strict on what is viewed in our home (as we should be).  Anyway....when he came home from school we asked him and he confessed completely about what was on his phone and amazingly enough...on the prayer cards I've been working of the things I've been praying for Bren is that he would be caught when guilty.  This is not for an "I told you so"'s a prayer to keep him grounded in the Word and that he would respect God's laws and man's laws.  All of that said, I was devastated that my sweet angel would download movies that were all out "warish and bloody".  There was nothing other than that, but a little scarry because he plays so many xbox games with blood and war lately.  So...he pretty much picked his own punishment which was removing the video's and giving up xbox for 40 days.  I was proud in the end and prayed with him about all of this because I felt guilty too because I've allowed the xbox games into my house against Jeremy's will.  The scripture that comes to mind is think on things that are pure, lovely, and of a good report.  He's doing fine without his gaming, but now has decided he wants to trade all his war games in for money to save and purchase an IPAD.  I'm not quite sure he's disciplined enough to save, but we shall see.

My prayer today:
Lord Jesus, I come to you tonight with thanksgiving and praise for all the wonderful things you have done in and for me.  I am so grateful for health for our entire family and pray that you continue to pour out your richest blessings upon us.  Lord, I thank you for healing Lori Moon and I ask that you continue to pour out grace upon the Moon family.  I especially pray for Taylor that she will be drug free and healed from all sickness and disease.  I pray for Tim as he continues to be the provider, that you will bless him and help him not to be abused.  Please send your Holy Spirit to guide this family through all the trials they are facing.  Lord, I ask that You bless Jeremy, Brennan and Bryce this coming week.  Please touch their minds that they will have the mind of Christ, touch their hands and feet that they trod where You'd lead.  Bless their daily activities that they honor You in everything they do.  Please guide Jeremy to lead us in a way that You desire.  I ask that Affordable & Dynastar continue to pay him the money that is owed and that it would grow tremendously ...and that a miracle be performed that our debt is all paid in full.  Please help me Lord to give my anxieties to You and let You be in complete control over my life.  Show me Your way each and every day.  Lord, I want to be home with the boys and I ask that You show Jeremy what to do to create income to secure our retirement.  Thank You again Lord for Your blessings on us.  Help me to be a great employee, friend, daughter, sister, wife, and mother.  In Jesus' Name I pray.  Amen

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